The Tempest: Final Reflection

Contributor: Emily Love. Lesson ID: 10709

Forgiveness is one of the most important topics in Shakespeare's The Tempest. Read true stories of forgiveness — ancient and modern — and reflect on Prospero's struggle to forgive.


Literary Studies

learning style
Auditory, Visual
personality style
Lion, Otter
Grade Level
High School (9-12)
Lesson Type
Quick Query

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Forgiveness is a choice, not a feeling.

  • What does this statement mean to you?

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  • What does it mean to say that forgiveness is a choice?

Watch the video below about a man who chose to forgive in an impossible situation.

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This story of forgiveness is truly amazing. Although both men recognize the difficulty in forgiveness, they also acknowledge how giving and accepting forgiveness affects their minds, bodies, and spirits.

Shakespeare demonstrates these same difficulties in the character of Prospero throughout The Tempest.

Shakespeare scholars still disagree on Shakespeare's portrayal of forgiveness in The Tempest. Some believe the play demonstrates the power of forgiveness and redemption, while others argue that none of the characters recognize true forgiveness or reconciliation.

As you reflect on this theme in the play, consider the following definitions.

forgiveness: to stop feeling anger toward someone who has done something wrong

redemption: the act of making something bad better or more acceptable

reconciliation: the act of causing two people to be friendly again after an argument or disagreement

Move on to the Got It? section to explore further.

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